Chen has set up the system by attaching a camera to the water fountain. 为建造该系统,陈龙彪在饮水机上装了一个摄像头。
Bring an empty bottle in your carry on to fill at a water fountain and carry on the plane. 那就随身带一个空瓶子,在饮水机上灌满水再带上飞机。
Take a few trips to the water fountain or bathroom. 把去饮水处或者盥洗室当作一次休息。
A moderate-sized country club will spend in the neighborhood of$ 1,000 a year on tees, short and long, which it treats as a complimentary amenity, no different from the water in the fountain or the soap by the sink. 一所中等规模的乡村俱乐部每年大概要在球钉(包括长的和短的)上花费1000美元,把它们当做免费赠送之物,就如饮水处的水和洗手池旁的香皂一样。
A micro blog account on a water fountain has attracted more than 30,000 followers within 48 hours of its birth on Sina Weibo, becoming latest cyber buzz on the Internet. 一台饮水机的新浪微博账号在开通48小时内就吸引来3万粉丝,进而成为最新网络热点。
Originality, unique, personalities with her manner bright and clean as the water of a fountain. 创见、独特、个性,神态犹如明净的泉水。
The Jet d'Eau ( Water Fountain) together with the Flower Watch are the main attractions every year for the tourists visiting Geneva. 大喷泉和花钟是每年游客观光日内瓦的主要游览项目。
The buildings were swinging really hard and the water in the fountain outside my office was sloshing around, said a government official based in Zhaotong, the nearest big town to the epicentre of the quake. 昭通市是距离震中最近的城市,当地一名政府官员表示:建筑物晃动的特别厉害,我办公室外面的喷泉的水在四处摇摆。
In the glow, the water of the chateau fountain seemed to turn to blood, and the stone faces crimsoned. 朝霞里,庄园的喷泉似乎变成了血,石像的脸染成了猩红。
Water fountain: the metal trough on an offset press which holds the damping solution. 水槽:在柯式印刷机上,盛载水槽液的槽。
I had never seen that type of water fountain before-it is so small, almost as small as my hand* so cute. 最感兴趣的是这里小一号的饮水机,看和我的手差不多大吧,好袖珍可爱。
Take this crystal vase, and fill it with water from the Fountain of Forgetfulness. 提着这个水晶壶,去装满忘忧泉的水来。」这泉水正好位于高山的顶端。
The water of the fountain played on the children's faces. 喷泉的水喷到孩子们的脸上。
The bird would say nothing at first, but when the Princess threatened to take its life, it bade her sprinkle every stone on her way down the mountain with a little water from the golden fountain. 最初,鸟儿不肯说,后来公主恐吓要把它杀死才告诉她,在下山时用黄金水洒在每一个石头上即可。
OK. You go out and get a drink of water at the fountain. 好。你出去在饮水机那儿喝点水吧。
The other room is more like a cat playground, with trees for climbing, a water fountain and litter-box facilities. 而另一个房间则更像是猫的乐园,有攀爬的树、喷泉和猫沙盆。
Beautiful water fountain, titled Charybdis, designed by William Pye. 美丽的喷泉,名为蟳,设计的威廉派。
Unwilling, or unable, to look long at his only son or his infant granddaughter, he explored the waiting room, studying the water fountain 因为不愿意或者不能够久久望着自己的独生子和刚生下不久的孙女儿,他在休息室里东走西走,研究饮水处的自来水装置
Where is the water fountain? 饮水机在哪里啊?
When I got water, I found the water fountain was changed. 我去倒水的时候,发现那个饮水机好象被换了一只。
The Jet d'Eau ( Water Fountain) has become the symbol of Geneva for a long time. 长期以来,大喷泉一直是日内瓦的标志。
Thinking of you, water fountain, out of control. 想你,思念如泉涌,无法控制;
Water in the fountain's top reservoir enters the lower bulb, which contains air. 只要将仪器装置好,在上端倒入水即可,喷泉最后即会喷出。
At the front gate, there's a huge water fountain with a bronze statue of a whale spouting a stream of water on which Mickey Mouse is surfing. 游乐园门口是一个巨大的鲸鱼喷泉,水池中央有一条鲸鱼的青铜塑像,喷出水柱,米老鼠在上面冲浪。
Some common problems occurred in design of die for filter-lid in water fountain was an ˉ alyzed and a new die with dragging plate mechanism to assist screw thread core pulling was de ˉ veloped. 通过对饮水机过滤盖的结构分析,指出了该产品模具设计中常出现的问题,并有针对性地设计了一种采用拖板机构辅助螺纹抽芯的模具结构。
"Water is the fountain of life", and also the important material base for a city to sustain growth of production. 水是生命的源泉,是城市可持续发展的重要物质基础。
The Research into the Evolvement Trend of Karsts Water Quality for Fountain Areas in Jinan 济南泉域岩溶水水质演变趋势研究
Conclusion The water fountain contamination already became a sanitation issue which should not be neglected, there are hidden safety trouble in directly drinking purified water and mineral water. 结论饮水机污染已成为不可忽视的卫生问题,所谓纯净水、矿泉水等直接饮用存在安全隐患。
Objective To find out the sanitation status of the water fountain, offering scientific base for cleaning and sterilizing water fountain. 目的了解饮水机使用卫生状况,为饮水机清洗消毒提供科学依据。